About the project
Provider: European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), v rámci pravomocí přenesených Evropskou komisí / …, under the powers delegated by the European Commission
Name of Project: Akcelerátor profesionalizace romských hudebních umělců v ČR / Accelerator of Professionalization of Roma Music Artists
Project code: CREA-CULT-2022-COOP
Project No: 101100158
Realization date: 01.08.2023 – 31.07.2025
Topic of the project
Objective of this action is to support projects involving a large diversity of players active in different cultural and creative sectors, to carry out a broad spectrum of activities and initiatives. The action is anchored in the policy framework of the Culture strand of the Creative Europe programme and its cross-cutting issues (inclusiveness, reduction of environmental impact and gender equality). European cooperation projects are also designed to contribute to the implementation of emerging EU policy initiatives such as the New European Bauhaus.
Terms and conditions for current CREA-CULT-2022-COOP-1 – Small-scale projects:
- The consortium most be composed of minimum 3 entities from 3 different eligible countries.
- The maximum EU grant amount is of EUR 200 000 per project.
- The funding rate is of maximum 80%
Small-scale projects are particularly suitable to promote the access of grassroots organisations and support them in the creation of new partnerships and development of new activities and innovative ideas, such as festivals, art fairs, exhibitions, performances, etc.
In particular, our intention is to create collaborations that fulfill the following objectives:
- to strengthen international cooperation and creation,
- to enhance the capacity of European cultural and creative sectors to educate and nurture talents, to innovate, to prosper and to generate jobs and space for growth.
Objectives of the project
The main objecitve of the project is the professionalization of 60 Roma cultural managers and musical artists in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Germany. Cultural managers and music artists will acquire and strengthen their skills through training in:
- technical areas (sound system, lighting, audio, video, LED devices, stages),
- digital areas (social networks, internet marketing, PR),
- in the financial area (acquiring financial resources),
- in cultural management (economics, law, branding, human resources, accounting),
- in innovations in the technical creation, processing, distribution and preservation of music.
Through the network of professional consultants built within the project, trained cultural managers and music artists will have the opportunity to continue acquiring professional information and experience, thus ensuring their long-term professional growth.
Higher expertise will have a positive impact on the quality of the cultural events and works of art they organize, which in turn will be positively reflected in the increase in the number of organized Roma cultural events and the participation of Romani artists and cultural managers in both pro-Roma and general cultural events. As their level of expertise increases, they will more easily obtain employment and business opportunities in the cultural-creative sector. Ultimately, this will have a positive effect on their competitiveness with majority entities but also with Roma and pro-Roma entities operating in the cultural and artistic sphere.
The secondary objectives of the project are:
- development of cooperation between Roma cultural managers and musical artists in partner countries and in the EU,
- increasing the spread of Romani musical culture by Romani musical artists in the European dimension,
- strengthening the participation of Roma cultural managers and musical artists in important non-European, European and national cultural events,
- strengthening the participation of Roma musical talents in important non-European, European and national cultural events,
- mapping of Roma and non-Roma cultural critics, managers and artists in the Czech Republic, SK and Germany.
Below in the diagram, the basic conditions for the successful professionalization of a manager/musician so that he can establish himself in the music industry are clearly defined. The diagram is the basis for the proposed activities:
- educational academy – acquiring and supplementing the knowledge needed for artistic activity,
- networking and establishing an Association – sharing and exchanging experience, obtaining professional resources, help with promotion.
Of course, our intention is not to train musicians to be full-fledged technicians, accountants or PR managers. A basic overview in all the areas mentioned below is important mainly for the following reasons:
- beginning Roma musicians and cultural managers do not have sufficient financial capacity to be able to afford to pay the full amount of professional services in the given fields,
- even in the case of professional artists, it is good to know the basics of all the necessary areas to the extent that they are able to assess, for example, the quality of the technical background, know the basics of financial planning in business, have an idea of the basic methods of successful promotion,
- to keep an overview of their field of activity, know trends and innovations in the field.
We have established professional guarantors for individual areas, from among financial and associated partners.
- The professional guarantor for the area of artistic quality is the German partner from the company djangoO, c/o Madhouse gemeinnützige GmbH, Landwehrstraße 43, 80366 München, Germany, represented by Mr. Walter Abt and Alexander Diepold,
- I Am The Sound s.r.o., Volutová 2520/10, 158 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic, represented by Mr. Maxmilián Reichel, the professional guarantor for the applicant in the areas of technical design, digital design and innovation in the cultural and creative industry,
- For the area of cultural management, the professional guarantor is the Slovak partner from the company OZ Romská ekteláčka agentúra, Mojmírova 1283/1, 957 04 Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovakia, represented by Mr. Lukáš Tonka.
Non-financial partners are:
- Unie Olašských Romů z.s., Štramberská 826/16, 703 00 Ostrava, Czech Republic, represented by Mr. Josef Stojka, is responsible for the area of financial execution.
- Association of Roma Music Artists in the Czech Republic z.s.